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Home Office Design Ideas: Welcome To My Office
July 30, 2020

Home Office Design Ideas: Welcome To My Office

At the time of this writing, my office is my backyard. If it rains later, I will migrate to the dining room table. If the dogs decide that anything, I mean anything, moving outside warrants a barkfest, then its on to the bedroom where I can spread out and hopefully stay awake!
The art of unplugging
August 16, 2016

The art of unplugging

We had a magical lightening storm here in Exeter last night. Those of you who were up late enough know what I am talking about. I wrapped up work very late last night, I mean, very late.
Drought & the Dog Days of Summer
August 9, 2016

Drought & the Dog Days of Summer

It's officially a heat wave here in New Hampshire! By the looks of my yard, we're in a pretty good drought too! It's right about now that my clients start asking me what they can plant so that their landscape looks great, even during these long, hot, dry summer days!
Essential Summer Party Tips!
June 23, 2015

Essential Summer Party Tips!

It's officially summer!! School is out. We've celebrated summer solstice. And the weather is FINALLY nice! With all that happy stuff comes time for summer gatherings.